Small Business Planner & Organizer
Use this Small Business/Etsy Shop Planner for your Etsy Shop, eBay Store, or any other small business! Keep track of your Inventory, Supplies, Sales & expenses with these straight forward, easy to use printable worksheets.

* 10 Printable documents including:
~INVENTORY LIST: Know what you've got in your shop! Keep this handy and updated frequently. This would also be a great tool to use when making or searching for new products. You can list the cost of the item, the list price in your shop, and the price that was paid - a great reference for seeing what items sell and maybe what doesn't sell as well.
~ITEM RETURN TRACKER: This is just a nice extra to track your returns, the items price, and why they were returned. Plus, it’s a great tool to have handy when completing your business tax returns!
~SUPPLY LIST: If you run any kind of business you likely have a need for business-specific supplies. Keep track of what you have on hand, and what you will need to order.
~ADVERTISING & MARKETING: Keep track of the types of Advertising & Marketing you are doing for your business, along with the cost & when the Ad/other will run. This can also be used for Advertising & Marketing research - compile all of your possibilities in one place and easily see what makes the most sense for your business.
~SALES LOG: Keep track of what is moving in your shop! Note when the item has sold, the quantity (if there are many) the sales total, & if the item has been shipped. Keeping track of your sales will help you in filling out your Profit & Loss statement also!
~EXPENSE TRACKER: There is always a cost of doing business. Keep track of those costs on this sheet. Whether it's printing supplies, ribbon, or selling fees, make note of it! This too will help with your Profit & Loss Statement!!
~PROFIT & LOSS STATEMENT: Once your month is finished you can fill out your total revenue for the month and your expenses and see if you had a profitable month or a loss for the month. This may help you see if you have a particular season that does better and may help you recognize where/when your marketing efforts have paid off. If nothing else, this helps you keep an accurate pulse of the happenings of your business.
~BUSINESS GOALS: Most business owners have goals for their business. It may be sales, new customers, adding inventory, or just updated the business's brand image. List it all out here and come up with ideas to accomplish those goals. Getting it on paper will help motivate you to work towards those goals!!
~MONTHLY PLANNING: This sheet will help remind you of those items that are necessary to do, but maybe not on a weekly or monthly basis. For example: If you run workshops at a certain time of year, you can write down a reminder to begin planning for the workshop in advance so you are not scrambling to pull it off!
~PERPETUAL CALENDAR: It is always nice to have a calendar available to plan out your to-dos for the month and put them on a specific day. Use this as a monthly to-do checklist, write in appointments, as a blog posting planner, or anything else you can think of!
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