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Quick ways to Simplify your day!

Quick ways to Simplify your day!

Quick Ways to Simplify your Day

One of the hardest things about being a busy mom is just managing all the to-do's that come with the job. Whether you are a working mom, SAHM, WAHM, or any other version of MOM, I know you are always bustin' your buns to do everything!! But I also know that it's nearly impossible to do it all. No one, can "do it all" without some sort of help. And while you may not have help nearby, I was to give you 5 super Quick ways to Simplify your day!

These are all things that I do myself so that I don't lose my marbles as a mom to 5 kids! 

Quick ways to Simplify your day:

  1. Use Paper Plates/Products for Meals: Yes, I'm absolutely serious! Us mamas spend more time in the kitchen than we do sleeping (which is kind of depressing). But we're making snacks, meals, and cleaning the thing aaalllll daayyyy loooong!! Why not make it a little easier on ourselves??!! I use either Paper Plates (like the super cheap ones!) or Paper Towels for breakfast since we are usually doing something super easy on our way out the door. The same goes for lunch. And most days we use our real plates for Dinner. Just once during the day because I load the dishes throughout the day and run the DW at night! But I don't think it's crazy to use Paper Plates for dinner either - how nice to not have a mountain of dishes at the end of the day!! 
  2. Create Routines: The best routine I have found that helps me is an Easy Morning Cleaning Routine that basically keeps the house from exploding. I have a very short list of items that I make a point to do each and every day, which makes my house seem clean (even if it's not perfectly clean!). Find an easy morning and an easy evening routine that will help you get the basics done, but not make you feel like you are constantly cleaning.
  3. Make a Meal Plan: I can't tell you how many times I've thought "what's for dinner tonight??" only to have to go check out my planner to see. Thankfully, I'm not having to run to the store with all my kids to grab a couple of ingredients for dinner. No thank you! It takes a little planning ahead for this, but the pay-off is well worth it! **new to meal planning?? go check out these meal planning tips for beginners**
  4. Organize your Kitchen: Remember how we talked about how much you are in your kitchen throughout the day?? Yeah, so, you gotta get it organized so you can do all the things you need to do, but you are not getting frustrated because you can't find what you need! Here's a shortlist of the things you could do to get started: Organize your Pantry (this can be done on the cheap!); Declutter your dishes (every day + serving dishes); Organize your baking items & spices to make everything easily accessible (& labeled!!).
  5. Simplify your to-do list: While I'm a huge fan of a beautiful planner, I don't think that you need to use anything fancy. You can honestly keep your day simplified with a super basic to-do list. No reason to overdo it or get too crazy with the to-dos, right??! List out all the things you think you need to do - then cross off half of them. Yes, I'm serious! We all feel like there are things we "should" be doing & put it on the list - but in all reality, it probably isn't a necessity to keep the kids alive or the house standing. Don't overwhelm yourself with the unimportant - and simplify the other stuff as much as possible!! 


Quick Ways to Simplify your day!


Hopefully, you will have found at least one (or more!) of these Quick ways to Simplify your day! tips that you can implement right away. Have any other ideas for all of us busy mamas to simplify our days? We'd love to hear from you - please share below:)!!